
Nurses were revolutionary because they cared for soldiers during battle, despite reactions of those who thought women should solely stay in their spheres.

"A military hospital is no place for a lady."-Timothy Levi Biel, Life in the North During the Civil War

Military hospitals set up on the battlefield provided revolutionary support for wounded soldiers
Women had never before been present on a battlefield, but they did whatever they could to help those they cared about

  • Women serving on the battlefield as nurses were considered unladylike and rogue
  • No place for women on the battlefield, which was considered a man's domain
  • Women were expected to stay at home, well within their spheres
  • Instead, some women, such as Clara Barton and Dorthea Dix, knew they had to break out, by developing hospitals and serving wounded soldiers on the battlefield
  • These women helped soldiers despite the negative reaction.
  • These women knew they had to do whatever they could to support their country